Strategies to Deal with a Toxic Coworker
Ideally, your workplace should be a place where you feel safe, comfortable, and productive — not unwelcome and uncomfortable. Toxic coworkers can create an antagonistic environment for everyone in your organization. Constantly interacting with someone who behaves disrespectfully takes a toll on your mental and physical well-being, and this is something that should be addressed.
Help! I Think My Employee is Being Harassed
As leaders, it’s our job to know when employees are being harassed and it’s also our job to listen to our employees with open ears and no biases. While there are laws that define what harassment is and how you can detect it, as leaders, we must approach every situation with that knowledge and the ability to detach ourselves from our biases.
Asking for Civility in the Workplace
When a work environment becomes hostile due to issues with coworkers, issues over something someone said, or someone’s feelings being hurt, it can create an environment where no one wants to work or feels safe — ultimately decreasing productivity and detracting from your corporate culture.
Addressing Microaggressions at Work
When it comes to talking about microaggressions, some may choose to focus on unconscious bias. Many times, individuals will claim to not have intended to upset another person and express that a harmful comment was a joke or innocent; however, this is a way to shirk responsibility.